Classical Curriculum

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” 

St. Paul, Philippians 4:8

What is Classical Curriculum?

A classical curriculum is concerned not merely with good grades but with the good life.  It hands on to the next generation a wholistic worldview that seeks to integrate God’s grace, wise thinking, and virtuous living. By emphasizing good grammar, logical arguments, and beautiful speech, classical curriculum teaches students not simply what to think but how to think.  It explores both the natural world of science around us and the supernatural world of the soul within us.  True classical education expands the realm of possibilities and draws us closer to Christ, making us better versions of ourselves. 

How does Epiphany School Embrace the Classical Tradition?

Epiphany School educates students, grounding them in the Catholic tradition of love for what is good, true, and beautiful. We equip our students with the skills needed to learn while cultivating virtue, fostering wonder, developing self-order and personal initiative.  Our school is committed to preparing students to embrace a life of purpose and become leaders according to the mind of Christ.

  • We integrate the Catholic faith into our school day and every subject
  • We teach Latin in grades 4-8
  • We read and study classical literature
  • We study and memorize poetry
  • We emphasise what is true, good, and beautiful
  • We teach the virtues in word and action
  • We teach students to read, write, and speak well
  • We teach technology to communicate education, not as a means of education 
  • We train students to be thinkers and defenders of our faith
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